Shine on with passionate Diamond Rings

Diamonds are forever. They are shiny, elegant and beautiful piece of God's creations. No wonder Rogers Waters and the Pink Floyd sang the song for Syd Barrett (their former band member) where diamond was used a metaphor. Yes, when it comes to defining beauty, diamonds always fall on the cards as metaphors. The statement diamonds are forever is so apt that it literally means, while we are proposing that we mean to take our relationship to an everlasting world. Thus invariably it means our relationship stands forever. It shows how much care and love one has towards the other and in the end it simply makes her awestruck and spell bound. There is no better way to show your love and commitment.

However it doesn't mean diamonds are the sole bond of relationships. It simply stands as an object of how important is their commitment and relationship is to them. Thus in the end it's the person that matters more. Therefore, it is important to choose the diamond that is perfect for her. It should fit her, it should be according to her tastes, and she should simply fall in love with it. And if you really do like her and know her so well to ask for her hand, I am sure that by now you are aware of her tastes and dislikes. Choosing a diamond is not really that hard, but choosing the right one always is. We men always keep pondering and venture towards finding the right one. And the tasks becomes even more difficult since there are several diamond ring makers in the market and to add more pain, we have our internet websites which has started selling these rings online. Thus you are in search of a single pearl amidst a vast ocean. Men have reverted to a pitiable state but nonetheless love makes you do wonders.

Then you have the varying models. You have the classic styles, rings with side stones, you get diamonds in loose with which you can make your own diamond, you have the designer ones and there are rings for occasions, French pave rings, tension rings where the diamond is supported by 2 arm bands without any bottom support etc. Your head would simply swirl to make the right choice. However these diamonds are also fairly expensive. Not everyone can make the final cut to buy such rings.

Internet comes to the aid once again like it always does. There are several websites which sells these rings at a cheaper rate. You can make a good deal out of it. Do your research work thoroughly and scrutinize it carefully. There are fraudulent dealers too in the market. They sell you cheap low quality diamonds. Check for the company's reputation and website credentials before you make up your choice. But still in spite of all these efforts, you might not be able to purchase the right quality, perfect fitting diamonds. Most diamonds appear slightly different from what you might have gotten to see online. Fit is also an important factor. Thus it is better to do a thorough research, get an idea about available models and their market pricings and then purchase it in person from whole sale dealers.


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Taking care of the diamond engagement ring

Diamond engagement rings are considered as the symbols of love and moreover a promise of marriage and happiness. Presenting and receiving a diamond engagement ring is one of the most memorable moments in one’s life. The main feature of a diamond ring is that it would be worn for many years and are often handed down to the next generation. When the diamond engagement ring is all new, it would sparkle to the fullest. It would be simply awesome. But as days pass, the sparkle would fade and the ring itself would look dull. This is because diamonds are much prone to grease.

There are many reasons why the sparkle in the diamond ring would fade. The ring would be worn daily and products like soaps, skin oils, hand lotions, hair sprays along with everyday dust and house hold products would leave a dirt film on the ring and it would make the ring look so dull and old. Over the time, a thick layer of gunk and grime would accumulate behind the diamond. This would block the light passing through the stone making it look unattractive.

Generally, certain types of coatings and other special substances are used to keep the shine and also protect the diamond. If you are using rough substances, harsh chemicals and vigorous scrubbing, the protective coating would be removed and the ring would become more prone to dirt and grime. Hence it is important to take special care while cleaning your diamond ring. Many products are available in the market which can be used to clean the engagement ring. Knowing the different and simple methods to clean the ring would keep the engagement ring look dazzling for many years.

Make sure that you clean the ring very often so that sediments don’t get accumulated on it. There are three things that you must not use to clean the ring. It is a false notion that boiling water is capable of cleaning all the unwanted substances. People tend to put the jewelry in boiling water for cleaning it. But it is not suggested and it would be foolish to boil the ring as it would destroy the finest qualities of the jewelry. Some people have the habit of using toothpaste to clean the fine jewelries. Toothpaste is abrasive and hence it has to be completely avoided to clean the jewelry. It would eventually leave scratches in gold and would soften the qualities of gem. Yet another wrong method is cleaning the ring using soaps. You must know that even the mildest soap would leave chemicals and residues on the ring surface thereby leaving the stone look dull. Hence it is good to use specialized jewelry cleaners and detergents for removing deposits on the diamond engagement rings and any other jewelry.

The best way to clean the diamond ring would be to go back to the jewelry shop and seek their help. This method is safe since the experts can check the condition of the ring and can make sure that the claws are in good condition. Also they would ensure that there are no problems.

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Discover unique ring engraving ideas

For centuries, rings have been engraved with love messages which would be simple quotes and words of commitment to more complex coded messages. The tradition was not so popular until some years back and now it has come back strongly with many couples choosing to engrave their rings. If you manage to get some unique engagement ring engraving ideas, it would be unusual as well as contemporary take on an ancient wedding tradition. The traditional ring engraving ideas were lovely and classic. For a couple who wish to experiment with new ideas and demonstrate their individuality, they need to find out some unusual ideas.

Even though finding unique ideas can be a quite challenge, with a bit of thought finding alternatives to the traditional idea would make it fun and interesting. You can use symbols in the place of letters or even a numerical code. This can even be modified with the numbers represented as a bar code and engraved on the surface of the ring. Take a traditional phrase and translate it into another language like Chinese or Arabic would be a wonderful idea and it would look attractive. Pick a symbol randomly and engrave it over the two rings. What makes it special is that the symbol would only become clear when the two rings are held together.

When it becomes tough to find some unique engraving quotes but still you want to try something new, the couples can simply alter the position of the engraving so that it would be different from the traditional theme. Couples can make the engraving on the sides of the ring rather than on the inside which would be an unusual idea. This is particularly a good choice for thick, chunky rings. The letters need to be tiny so that it would fit onto the edges of the ring. However complex messages can be carved since there are two surfaces for storing them. The top part of the ring is also an ideal surface to engrave. If you give a little thought to the whole process, the engraving would become an integral part of the design itself. If it is a wide ring, the text would flow around it and perhaps it would even scroll around more than one line. A good jeweler would advise the best way to do this and also help with the planning and design of the ring.

However the traditional place to engrave the ring would be inside the ring. If you are seeking unique engraving ideas, you can blend the traditional method with some novel quotes to form a special one. This method has a personal touch as the engraving would not be seen outside. You can put private nicknames or even some romantic lines can be engraved with confidence as it would remain only within couple’s eyes.

Generally there are two ways in which the engraving of the rings would be done; by hand and by machine. It is important to check which method is been used by an engraver and make sure if it is suitable for the design required as well as for the material being engraved. There is a tendency for the softer metals to wear off quickly than harder metals. Hence the gold will wear more quickly than harder metals like tungsten or platinum.

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Is an expensive engagement ring the right choice?

When a couple is planning to buy an expensive engagement rings, naturally their financial situation has something to do with it. How much you spend on your engagement ring is indeed a very personal decision. Most of the couples these days are buying the engagement ring together. Anyhow once they sign the marriage certificate, the bride and the groom would be entitled to pay for the ring unless the groom paid for the ring upfront.

But there are times when your heart may be set on a particular ring that happens to be expensive. As a part step towards buying that ring, you need to talk about it and assess the long term effects the purchase of the particular ring can bring on your future plans. You may have some future goals like buying a house, having a retirement plan or taking a vacation. So you need to consider all the factors before buying an expensive ring which you would be probably paying even after your twentieth wedding anniversary.

If you have decided to take the plunge towards buying an expensive engagement ring, financing may be the first issue that needs your attention. Carefully consider various financing options and shop around if the ring isn’t in your immediate budget plans. It is a wise option to check with your banker and other lenders to see what types of loans you can obtain since the jewelry store may not have the best financing terms. Make sure to weigh the benefits compared to the cost. However an expensive engagement ring is undeniably an investment and you will posses something you are really happy with.

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Silvery sparkle of non gold engagement rings

What does silver remind you about? No, it is not only the elegant tableware and anniversaries. Your 25th wedding anniversary would surely be a reason to celebrate and it can be cherished by presenting a silver ring. But silver would also make a perfect choice as your engagement ring metal. It is an excellent way to kick start your marriage out right with a silver engagement ring. Silver colored engagement rings can be beautifully crafted from silver, white gold or platinum. You would be offered many choices and your imagination can play well in designing the perfect engagement ring.

The best part of silver is that anything design that you have seen in gold can be crafted in silver. This can range from traditional settings to the most modern and contemporary. The design and style is entirely your choice and everything depends on what exactly you are looking for. Considering the production stand point, the type of the metal will have an effect on the appearance, durability, creation and of course the price of the final product. You must understand which ever precious metal used in jewelry are not used in their pure forms. For example gold used in the rings is a combination of gold, silver and copper each in varying degrees. Carat of gold means the amount of gold actually used in the combination.

Think about considerably cheap engagement rings and silver is the best available option as it is affordable as well as attractive. Couples who have a big budget would go for platinum engagement rings. Even though platinum is elegant it is heavier and quite expensive. The platinum engagement rings are finished in a matte or shine and it depends on the craftsmanship of the jeweler. White gold is yet another option for couples seeking rings in silver color. The white gold has very little amount of copper in its mixture and mainly it comprises of gold and silver. One of the drawbacks of pure gold is that it is too soft to be used for jewelry.

Couples searching for silver engagement rings are constantly confused whether to prefer silver over white gold or platinum. Appearance can be considered as a valid reason and also the cost factor. The best part of a silver engagement ring is that you can grab a ring for much less price and have the most beautiful ring for your fiancée. Moreover if you spend less on the ring band, you can make use of that money for the diamond in the ring.

If you are particular about the visual appeal, you can go for the white gold engagement ring. White gold would have a yellowish tint to it and hence it is not completely ‘silver’ in color. And if you are not on a strict budget, platinum is the metal for you. It is much denser and harder to work with. Hence the price may go up a bit. Platinum can be a fabulous choice if you don’t fancy a big stone on the ring. Or if you can afford,

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The royal feel of princess cut diamond solitaire rings

Everything is special about the princess cut diamond solitaire engagement ring. This is the reason why many women seek the princess cut solitaire ring which is more unique than the classic round diamond solitaire. Since the diamond solitaires are highly versatile, they can be cut into a number of desired shapes and set in various ways. Thus each diamond solitaire would give a unique sparkle to the overall appearance of the ring and also to the person wearing it. Princess cut diamond solitaire has also become an alternative to the traditional round cut diamond and owing to its unique shape and sparkle, the style is gaining popularity very quickly.

Significance of princess cut
Being one of the most recent innovations of diamond industry, the princess cut has gained tremendous popularity particularly as engagement rings. The square shape is the significant feature of the cut which is attained by mixing both the classic step and brilliant cuts to design the stone. Ridges are formed along the edges of the diamond using step cuts and thus the top part would be left flat. More facets are added to increase the sparkle and fire of the diamond using brilliant cuts. The combination of the two cuts would result in approximately fifty facets for the diamond making it fabulous.

Perfect setting for solitaire rings
The princess cut solitaire is exclusively designed to portray the brilliance of the diamond. If they are in cut in a flawless manner, the stones flash with light and thus catch the attention. Since they are so adorable, many brides would like to highlight the Novori diamonds in very simple settings. While coming to metal choices, platinum is the most sought after metal forming the setting. However the solitaire rings are also featured in yellow or white gold. Prong settings would be the perfect choice as they allow light to shine into the stone from underneath. Cathedral settings are also favored while bezel settings are completely avoided.

Buying a princess cut solitaire
Since the princess cut is in mixed cut design, most of the diamond inclusions and flaws would not be prominent. Flaws are usually less noticeable and it is possible to have a gorgeous ring for a lesser price as the stone may not be perfect. However the additional facets add brilliance and increase the diamond’s inherent sparkle. Princess cut are also one of the least expensive diamond shapes to make and this makes it more accessible.

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The radiance of radiant cut diamond engagement ring

There is indeed something about a rock on your finger that shines no matter which way you may look at it. The sparkle of the engagement ring would outdo your smile if it is a radiant cut diamond. The beauty of the radiant cut is that they offer both a unique style and classic sparkle. Moreover it is available in multiple shapes so that there is no need to settle on round or rectangle. Since there is a number of shapes available, couple would find it difficult to land on a decision. The possibilities would seem endless with the array of settings available.

There are some features that make the radiant cut diamond engagement ring so special. Primarily the cut itself is peculiar and special. Diamond’s natural brilliance is shone through the design so perfectly. Earlier, couples had a limited choice as they had to select between the cut and the brilliance. The diamond has to be in round shape, if the bride wanted a radiant shine. Couples used to compromise on the sparkle if they wanted a rectangle shaped diamond. The best part of the radiant cut is that it combines the best of both, the emerald cut and the brilliant cut. All the credit goes to Henry Grossbard who had designed the cut and made it absolutely a masterpiece.

You may wonder how exactly the cut of a diamond can affect the appearance of the stone. Basically the cut determines the proportion and if size matters, then quality cut is of utmost importance. It is true that a finely cut small stone would appear large and more brilliant than a poorly cut bigger stone. So the best part of getting a perfect cut is that you can have a ring of your dreams on a tighter budget. This means the stone size may be small but would look more attractive. What you need to be careful about is finding a reputable jeweler who would eventually get you exactly the stone that you dreamt of and more importantly paid for. If you are going for a customized engagement ring, you can ask for the radiant cut diamond in that ring.

If you manage to find a reputable jeweler, he would surely help you to find an engagement ring with the right cut and the right quality. Most of the jeweler’s would be more than willing to explain the whole process to the customers as they are sure to find a captive audience. And of course it is worth the time and money to listen to the process, especially if you are going for a customized engagement ring.

Buying a diamond engagement ring is a complicated process but it can be made fun at the same time. In addition to cut, there are other things that require attention like the carat which is the weight of the stone, color like yellow, pink, blue and clarity which means the amount of imperfection present on the stone. Couples would also consider how much of a blue-ish tint would be present in the diamond under ultra violet light. This is called the fluorescence property of the stone. However it is the diamond cut that matters most and is the primary factor in selecting a ring.

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